FF-AR is a biologically degradable, non-toxic liquid consisting of harmless substances eg. salts, plant extracts, ester and ether compounds and alcohols. It is colourless, odourless and does not contain additional fragrances, essential oils, enzymes or even bacteria. FF-AR multiplies the absorption and adsorption capability of water and is carried by a fine spray to maximize the contacts with the emission gas to be treated. The molecular structure enables FF-AR to convert molecules in the gaseous phase into the liquid phase by means of its physical properties. The resulting complexes are commonly known as Micelles or Ligands. Elements in the gas phase are targeted and bonded in the liquid phase using intramolecular forces rather than chemical reactions in either phase.
How does it work?
In principle FF-AR is brought into contact with the emission gas to be treated. Molecular complexes or Micelles / Ligands are formed when the molecular structure of FF-AR creates an environment that allows the inter-molecular forces between the hazardous or odorous compounds to bond.
There is no chemical reaction and no new substances are created. The process represents a temporary physical interaction where both dipol exchanges and van der Waals forces can be observed.
The stability of these complexes is largely dependent on the types of substances and the ambient conditions but can range from a few hours to several days.