Who are we?

HVR Milieumanagement was established in 1994 and is now the leader in the field of industrial exhaust gas purification, using the MicroGasWash® system.

HVR Milieumanagement is internationally active and cooperating not only with local partners, but also in consortiums, like Vaporsol B.V. for design, production and installation of MicroGasWash® systems. We have an extensive amount of experience in countries like the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Austria, England, Italy and Czech Republic.

HVR Milieumanagement assures compliance with European Directive 2008/50/EC on air quality, and works directly with TNO,  RIVM, TÜV, DCMR, Vito and various universities.

HVR Milieumanagement not only stands for up-to-date technical solutions, but also gives customer service high priority. Customers are free to choose different service packages from basic maintenance to carefree solutions.